(Laufenberg Kids in the Background)

We may not have it all together, but TOGETHER WE HAVE IT ALL!!!
I picked out some craft projects at Target that I thought would help fight the "I'm Bored", "What can I do" questions that I get asked. This one was right up Morgan's alley. Paint and design your own rings. Here is Morgan's Creations.
She wanted me to add that she "Does Not have Dirt Under her Nails" and that "It's just paint from her craft project".
McKenzie's Craft was a kit to make your own necklaces and bracelets with beads. (I can't find her pictures on my computer...they are lost!!! Pictures will come later once they are found) Both girls loved each others projects. So you know what that means???? Back to the store I go to pick up the opposite project for each girl!!!! Oh well, they were only $5!!!