Below are scrapbook pages that I did at my mom's house. We (my sister's) started a tradition of giving my mom 2 srapbook pages per year for each grandchild, summing up the year. We normally give her the pages at Christmas time.....but not this year for the Short Family. My intentins were good. I had all the pictures copied that I wanted to use for each childback in December, I just didn't ever get them put together! OOOPPPPSSS. So I took all my pictures and some paper, stickers, etc. along on our trip. This is what I came up with....
Tanner Adam Short

Sorry mom that I took so long getting you my families pictures. I promise that I will have them on time this year.... One good thing came out of me waiting ... I used my mom's Cricut to cut out the kids' names...And I found a new want for my Wish List.... That thing is AWESOME!!!! Got to have one of my own some day!!!!
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