I found this great poem titled "Before I was a Mom"

Two of The Most Sweetest Angels on Earth call me.... "MOM".
I feel Honored to be a part of their lives.
I am Lucky....
Not only do I have my Daughters, McKenzie and Morgan,
I have four other Special Children who call me "(Step-)MOM"....
Shaylene, Collin, Kendon and Tanner.
My Life would not be Complete without all of you in my Life!!!
You all bring me much Joy and Love.
(Along with Daddy, of course)
I thank Heavenly Father each day
for letting me be your MOM,
and for bringing us all together as one
Eternal Family!!!!
I Love You!!!

Flowers picked out by McKenzie and Morgan
Thank-You LaRee and Adele!!!

From McKenzie

She made the Butterfly at school and the bookmark on her own.

This was a Home-Made Card that she made for me.
From McKenzie

She made the Butterfly at school and the bookmark on her own.

This was a Home-Made Card that she made for me.
at McKenzie's Achievement Days Activity.
From Morgan

"My Award"
This was done at school.


"My Award"
This was done at school.

From Adam

I Love You!!!
I would also like to take this time to Thank Three...
...I hold dear to my Heart.

I would also like to take this time to Thank Three...

There is not enough words that can fully describe my feelings for my Mother.
She has always been there for me no matter what.
She is the greatest example and I look up to and admire her deeply.
She has taught me so much, I am very thankful to have such a Wonderful Mother.
I Love You, Mom!!!!
Happy Mother's Day
Thank-You for raising such an Incredible Son.
You have been such a great Example to him and now to me.
I hope my sons grow up to be just like their Dad.
Thank-You for Welcoming my Girls in as your own!
I love You!!!
Happy Mother's Day
I have always admired my Grandma.
She is a Very Special Woman and I Love Her Very Much.
Happy Mother's Day, Grandma!!!
Happy Mother's Day to All Mother's!!!!
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