Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bubbles, Bubbles

Sorry Kenz, but I couldn't resist posting these ADORABLE pictures!
I Love You Sweetheart!

May 25, 2009

We left the house today to go maybe to a movie and grocery shopping for the week. After checking out what movies were playing, there wasn't a movie playing that was for the kids. We ended up doing something much funner! We took the girls to.....

They had such a good time. Not knowing I would need my camera to go grocery shopping I left it at home. All we had was Adam's phone to take pictures on. Here are some of the shots we got. Sorry they are a little hazy.

May 23, 2009

Today, we had a water balloon fight! Shaylene and her friend Bailey filled about 400 or so balloons. It took them forever but they had fun. We took all the kids down the street to the grassy field. Here is a slide show to show you all the fun the kids had.

My helper, McKenzie

McKenzie is such a great helper.
She loves all the little kids just as much as I do.
Here is a picture of her and Mr. Canyon.

Thanks for all your help, McKenzie!

May 22, 2009

Last day of School !!!
I can't believe it is over for this year.
All of our kids had an AWESOME year!
Here are some pictures from the last day of school and the
End of Year Awards Ceremony.
This is the last year that all of our kids will be in 1 school.
Shaylene will be in 7th Grade ( Jr. High) next school year.

Look out SuMmEr,

Here we come!!!

May 19, 2009

Morgan and Tanner doing Dishes????
You would think that this might have been a punishment, right?
Child Labor Laws?
It's NOT, I promise !!!!
They actually were begging me to do the dishes for me.
I let them!

Thanks Morgan and Tanner !
You can do the dishes anytime you want!!!

May 10, 2009

I had a great Mother's Day!
Adam took care of ALL the meals and everything else
while I took the day OFF!
My family gave me my favorite scents from...

Here is a homemade card from McKenzie.
This is the front.
The Inside is a picture of the two of us.
She did this in school and gave it to me on Mother's Day.
You might have to click on this picture to see all of her answers.
How cute, huh?
Thank-You McKenzie
Morgan made me this "flower" with her on the inside.
She also gave me this basket of flowers.
Each flower had something that she will do for me
printed on it.
I love my special Flowers!
Thank-You Morgan!
Thanks for making it such a special
Mother's Day for me.
I Love you all very much!
We also want both my mom (Norma) and Carol to know how much we love them.
Thank-You for all that both of you do for us
and for all the love and support you give to us.
You are the BEST!!!!
Happy Mother's Day to Everyone!!!

Adam's Side Projects

Since Adam has been out of work for a few months he and his cousin Dave (who was also out of work) started doing a little side work. Here are the before and after pictures of the 3 jobs that they did .

The first set of pictures is of a bathroom remodel.


The finsihed product...

The next set of pictures are of a food storage room. Adam and Dave built the shelf system for the room.


In the process of install...

Finished Project... (with Dave)
The last project was a window seat in a Kitchen Bay window.


This last picture is the one that helps me out the very most...

Our neighbor's gave us their old countertop. Adam and Dave cut it down to size

and now I have a Laundy folding Table right next to the Washer and Dryer.

It's PERFECT!!!!

We still need to paint the leg and frame

but that hasn't stopped me from using it!!!

Thanks Guys!!!!